Volunteers donned tyvek suits, picked up shovels and pushed wheelbarrows for another day of helping local residents clean up flood damage in Pajaro!

The volunteers were helping remove the debris caused by a levee break on March 10 that flooded this small agricultural community with more than 3 feet of water. More than 80 volunteers spent part of their weekend serving the community to get mud and debris to the curbside. The deadline for the community wide debris pick up program wraps up on Monday, April 24.

Volunteers also helped treat areas under the home to contain the spread of mold from the high water. The volunteers were able to wrap up the clean up work on all of the homes that had requested help from Hope Crisis Response Network. One volunteer team even made repairs as we move into the repair phase of the response. A volunteer damage assessment team will be working next week to determine build material lists for home repairs. 

If you’d like to be a part of this response you can donate here or if you have repair skills we would love for you to volunteer with us
