This is the Disaster Resource Village!

On August 10, HCRN CEO and Founder, Kevin Cox, was pleased to accept the gift of a mobile Command Center from Adventist Health Simi Valley during a ribbon cutting ceremony. Cox said, “We are so privileged to have great partners like Adventist Health and Acts of Mercy who understand collaboration and desire to provide help in times of great need.”

Adventist Health Simi Valley had been using this Command Center in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It served them well, and just as HCRN was embarking on creating the Disaster Resource Village (DRV), they were able to offer this amazing trailer to us.

Thank you to some of our other partners who were able to attend this ceremony, including: SWAT, Acts of Mercy and Stellar XP

Jennifer Swenson, President of Adventist Health Simi Valley, said, “Adventist Health is very happy to be able to assist Hope City to serve disaster survivors across the state.  It’s very meaningful for us as part of our mission to be involved at the community level.”

HCRN is launching the pilot program of the DRV this year. Bringing together local, vetted service providers and many other important accommodations. HCRN and our partners are so excited to embark on this journey to better serve disaster survivors.

This mobile Command Center will sit at the center of the DRV and host representatives from each partner organization. Collaboration and service has brought all of our partners together to meet the needs of communities experiencing disaster.

We need you and your support to make this pilot program a success! To learn more about the DRV visit this page.

You can text DRV to 53-555 to give today, or use the portal below
